春天穿搭男裝的六種休閒風格方案 Spring Outfits: Men's 6 Casual Styles


Although sometimes it's still very cold in spring, the seasonal feeling of spring is totally different from the one of winter. How can you change your outfits to match the changing of the seasons then? Actually, it's all about the choice of colours. Choosing bright colours rather than dark colours is the key to being smart in spring. Here are the demonstrations of six casual outfit styles for you to choose from.

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別緻街頭風 Chic Street Style

白色T恤 + 淺藍修身刷破牛仔褲 + 白色皮腰帶 + 白色帆布鞋 + 駝色羊毛徹斯特大衣 = 春天穿搭之別緻街頭風 White T-Shirt + Slim-Fit Ripped Jeans + White Leather Belt + White Canvas Shoes + Camel Wool Chesterfield Coat = Spring's Chic Street Style 圖片來源:attire23s.blogspot.com



When you want to show individualism but you don't want to look cheap at the same time, this is the style for you. Just match a classic camel chesterfield coat with a white T-shirt, a pair of light blue ripped jeans, and a pair of white canvas shoes. Then this street style can be as chic as it gets. By the way, for the sake of being careless, you don't need to roll up your jeans here. You don't need to button up your coat either unless it is really cold outside.

Shopping, Daily Life

渡假休閒風 Resort Casual Style

白色亞麻襯衫 + 淺藍亞麻九分褲 + 米色麂皮腰帶 + 米色麂皮德比鞋 + 米色亞麻西裝外套 = 春天穿搭之渡假休閒風 White Linen Shirt + Light Blue Ankle-Length Linen Trousers + Beige Suede Belt + Beige Suede Derby Shoes + Beige Linen Blazer = Spring's Resort Casual Style 圖片來源:attire23s.blogspot.com



Resort casual is a common daytime dress code for most resorts and cruises. When you go on a holiday, it's best to put on linen or cotton items unless you are going to enjoy snow. The shirt, trousers, and blazer should be a bit oversized to make you feel more comfortable here. As for accessories, you can put on suede or distressed leather shoes and belt. A hemp rope belt also works here. By the way, remember to replace the outfit with a more formal one after sunset. The dress code is usually more formal in the nighttime.

Beaches, Cruises, Hotels, Tourist Spots, Resorts

性感休閒風 Sexy Casual Style

淺褐變形蟲花襯衫 + 白色修身斜紋棉褲 + 淺褐窄版皮腰帶 + 淺褐尖頭雕花德比鞋 + 淺藍亞麻西裝外套 = 春天穿搭之性感休閒風 Light Brown Paisley Shirt + White Slim-Fit Chinos + Light Brown Slim Leather Belt + Light Brown Pointed Brogue Derby Shoes + Light Blue Linen Blazer = Spring's Sexy Casual Style 圖片來源:attire23s.blogspot.com



Spring is the best time of year to wear floral shirts, which are not meant to be worn by gangsters only. Actually, they are meant to be worn by elegant and sexy men in Europe. When you prefer to look more mature and sexy in spring, just put on a sophisticated floral shirt and match it with a skinny-fit blazer, a pair of slim-fit short-rise or low-rise trousers, and pointed derby shoes. Remember to leave the shirt's top two buttons unbuttoned without exposing your underwear.

Dating, Special Occasions for Couples

粗曠紳士風 Rugged Gentleman Style

白色亞麻襯衫 + 直筒卡其褲 + 灰色羊毛領帶 + 灰色羊毛西裝背心 + 土黃色工作靴 = 春天穿搭之粗曠紳士風 White Linen Shirt + Regular Fit Khakis + Grey Wool Necktie + Grey Wool Waistcoat + Ochre Work Boots = Spring's Rugged Gentleman Style 圖片來源:attire23s.blogspot.com



The navy raw denim jeans for the rugged gentleman style in winter can be replaced by a pair of regular-fit khakis in spring, which should be rolled up carefully to show your cautious attitude. Now your shirt, tie, waistcoat, and trousers should be all made of wool, flannel, corduroy, linen, denim, or chino. Match them with a pair of ochre suede work boots. Still, you have to stick to earth tone colours to go with the rugged fabrics.

Shopping, Being a Hipster, Daily Life

時尚休閒風 Smart Casual Style

白色純棉高領衫 + 灰色緊身牛仔褲 + 黑色窄版皮腰帶 + 白色亞麻西裝外套 + 黑色德比鞋 = 春天穿搭之時尚休閒風 White Cotton Turtleneck Sweater + Grey Skinny Jeans + Black Slim Leather Belt + White Linen Blazer + Black Derby Shoes = Spring's Smart Casual Style 圖片來源:attire23s.blogspot.com



The colours of smart casual outfits are usually composed of black, white, grey, and blue. However, the colour of your shoes should be darker than the colour of your top (shirt or blazer). Actually, the common white shirt can be replaced by a white cotton turtleneck sweater. Apart from winter, spring is another perfect time to put on a white cotton turtleneck sweater, which can be matched with a slim-fit linen blazer to make you look elegant and casual at the same time.  

Social Gatherings, Urban Life

商務休閒風 Business Casual Style

白色細格紋襯衫 + 暗橘色褲 + 褐色皮腰帶 + 橄欖綠西裝背心 + 褐色綠色條紋長襪 + 深褐尖頭德比鞋 = 春天穿搭之商務休閒風 White Graph Check Shirt + Burnt Orange Trousers + Brown Slim Leather Belt + Olive Green Waistcoat + Brown and Olive Green Striped Crew Socks + Dark Brown Pointed Derby Shoes = Spring's Business Casual Style 圖片來源:attire23s.blogspot.com



The brightness and warmth of light-coloured trousers and crew socks are perfect to go with spring's seasonal feelings. They can also make you look casual and relaxed when they are in earth tone colours. And apart from white shirt, graph check shirt is another great option to make you look like an elegant gentleman, especially when you don't roll up your sleeves and only leave the shirt's first button unbuttoned. Mix and match these formal and casual elements. Then you'll become the most elegant and relaxed businessman.

Casual Fridays, Conference Center Hotels

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1 意見

  1. 搭配一條淺灰色的直筒褲,針織洋裝穿搭推薦配上一雙灰色平底鞋,這身搭配用到的單品大多偏向於簡約風
